July 30th Family Concert

Thanks to our Sponsor, the Greensville Optimists, we were able to provide the children with shaker bottles with music and space stickers, as well as their own Star Finder. Also, the children had fun playing the bucket drums with our drummer, Chris. One more concert to go! See you August 6th for our Finale Concert!

Family Concert July 30th

We are hopeful to have our concert tonight, Tuesday, July 30th. A decision will be made by 4pm. Check here and on Facebook for cancellations.

This is a family friendly concert, with activities for the children. Activities begin around 6:45pm. The actual concert starts at 7:30, with opportunities for the children to accompany the band.

Concert July 23, 2024

Well, last week was flooded out, so we unfortunately had to cancel our concert. Apologies if you hadn’t seen our notice and showed up. However, we plan on being at the Dundas Driving Park on Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:30 pm for our 3rd concert in our series. Our guest performers for the evening will be our own Brass Quintet. Bring your lawn chair and come on out for the show!

Concert Cancelled!

Tonight’s Concert, Tuesday, July 16th, has been cancelled due to flooding at the Bandshell.

We hope to see you all next week at the Dundas Driving Park for our next concert. The Brass Quintet will be our special guest next Tuesday.

Providence House Picnic

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the Dundas Concert Band performed at the St. Joseph’s Villa Providence House Picnic. This picnic was well attended, with many fun activities for the residents. We played in the auditorium and hope to go back to perform again before Christmas.